Connect Wallet

Learn how to connect to KujiraIndex (Desktop & Mobile)

The KujiraIndex interface currently supports several wallets such as Leap Wallet, Keplr Wallet & Sonar.


Leap Wallet Extension

  1. Go to and press Connect Wallet in the top right of the interface.

  2. Click Approve on the pop-up.

    1. If there is no automatic pop-up, opening the wallet via the extension icon might help.

Once you are connected, you should see your address at the top right of the interface, along with your KJI balance.


Keplr Wallet on Mobile

  1. Go to and press Connect Wallet in the top right of the interface.

  2. Click Approve on the pop-up.

    1. If there is no automatic pop-up, opening the wallet via the extension icon might help.

Once you are connected, you should see your address at the top right of the interface, along with your KJI balance.

Last updated